Woo-t (!), it's harder than I thought. But never fear, my friends, because I am the ultimate procrastinator when it comes to actually creating art.
So this morning I have done the washing, dishes, decluttered the bathroom (and my itunes!) and spent a lot of time looking at pictures of owls... and now I'm updating my blog. See how good I am?
Firstly, everyone should check out this blog- if you haven't already- because it is simply beautiful!
I'm a huge fan of collections. I think we all are. My favourite sections of Frankie seem to be homebodies and mantelpiece, because other peoples collections are just so awesome and interesting- and they make me feel slightly less weird about my own.
Anyway, I'm feeling pretty inspired to do my own "collection a day" post on here, but I may not have enough collections! I think I would make it a once a week kinda thing, but I probably wont start until I get all my stuff unpacked at my new house next month.
However, I will keep adding to my collections... Here's some stuff I picked up on the weekend from the salvos! It's not a lot, but I also nabbed this great old teak chestofdrawers that matches my desk, but unfortunately it was put straight into storage so I can't show you.
These flash cards are pretty much my favourite thing ever. I especially love the teeny cowboys and houses.
Maybe it's because I've been staring at the picture mum wants her owl to look like, and it has a picture of a teeny tiny house painted by my uncle on it.
I sill have heaps of things to show you that i've photographed but havent blogged about... I never know if my long posts with millions of pictures are going to be a bit boring so I always put them off.
We shall see how I go this week!
P.s Oh and also, Cat Power was amazing! This week I'm going to see the Fantastic Mr Fox, and Peter Pan and Wendy performed at Kings Park, which I'm sure will be equally beautiful! Yay!
and are you a jacket pockets collector too? ;) do you dare?