Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ryden and the Indians

Meet my very, very favourite book. I found him tucked away behind a big pile of not so interesting books on a recent op shop adventure into the slightly scary bogan areas around my house!

Isn't he handsome? I had to show you...

I think I like this headdress so much because it reminds me of Miss Khan. Actually, all of the lovely colours remind me of her outfits.

I was trying to figure out why it seemed so familiar and lovely to me... The bright colours, the shading, of course the subject and the story- but perhaps the best part is the striking resemblance to Mark Rydens artwork (or perhaps the other way around...).

Just look at the squirrel! This page instantly reminded me of the California Brown Bear. Which makes me smile...

Obviously Rydens style (and subject matter) is heavily influenced by children book illustration. It's just interesting to see the style being employed with a dark irony, giving the traditionally cute characters and creatures a cunning, creepy edge! It would be neato to frame some of these pictures side by side the Ryden prints, for the subtle contrast, but I'm not sure I could do that to my new friend.

Aaaah I do love his work so.


  1. Lovely illustrations.
    Maybe you could find another copy online or somewhere that you could take some pictures from?

  2. these are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Your blog is soooo super cute! I have added you to our blog roll! yay for new blog friends in 2010!

  4. Cutest book ever!!! I love little cutie Indians!

  5. Aw thanks guys.
    Elisa, I can't find it anywhere online! It's a bit odd, maybe I'm searching the wrong thing.
    But I will probably photograph all the pages and maybe make badges out of them.
    I'm also thinking of having a cowboy + indian 21st so the invitation design will definitely revolve around these pics!
